I would say I hope you like it. However, my hope is that it works. That it is one more tool that helps us reach people who don't go to church anywhere right now. That's a whole lot more important than if I like it or not.
On the practical side, it doesn't change anything quite yet (Checks can still be made out to "The Development" and mailed to the address that is in a previous post). And the address of this blog will remain the same. I am in conversation with a group about an actual church website and that may be up and running in the near future.
If you like the name, I welcome your comments. If you don't- too late! Haha.
I'm not an architect. And I would be terrible at that job if I ever tried it. But, I do think I understand the importance of a good plan.
To reach young families for Christ in Fort Wayne we cannot simply show up, hang a shingle and hope people who are lost without the love of Christ will find us and ask us about Jesus.
Schedule of Outreach
Monthly Services- June 14, July 12, August 9
Launch- September 13
April 6-10 Service Evangelism team from Johnson Bible College?
Bake Cookies- That will be frozen and delivered to first time guests
Door to door- Asking if there is anything we can do to serve them
Service for the hospital
Prayer walks
June- Backyard parties; Neighborhood emphasis- We will host family-friendly backyard parties to promote relationships within the neighborhoods. Moonwalk for kids, goodie bags with candy and church info
Direct mail to the three to six neighborhoods
Sunday Brunch- Since we aren't holding weekly services yet, we will invite people in our neighborhoods over for a brunch at 10:00 on Sunday morning- a way to target those who aren't going to church at that time.
July- Backyard parties; Neighborhood emphasis
Gas buy-down before July 4th – We will connect with a local gas station to buy down the cost of gas for a two hour time. We won't hard sell the church, but will likely wear shirts that contain the church name and web address.
Direct mail to the neighborhoods
Sunday Brunch
August- Backyard parties; Neighborhood emphasis
Direct mail to the three Neighborhoods
Sunday Brunch
Before Labor Day- Gas buy-down
13- Launch service
Direct mail to the three Neighborhoods
Connect Cards in the hands of the Launch Team
September 20- Week 2; special draw, TBA
October 31- Halloween Outreach- We will encourage our Launch Team and other people catching on at the church to be at home for at least part of the night (Halloween is on a Saturday) and give out full sized candy bars with information about the church services.
November 1- Special Service for outsiders- This is the Sunday morning just after Halloween.
December- Special Christmas service with an emphasis on inviting new people
January- Special topical sermon series targeting on bringing in new people
Direct mail to the neighborhoods the week in between Christmas and New Year's
Consider partnering with the YMCA to help people get in shape in the area
March- Service evangelism team from Johnson Bible College
April- Begin to put into place semi-permanent outreach efforts (like occupational counseling, hospital service, budget coaching, partnering with a local service group like InAsMuch, pregnancy care center or Red Cross)
May- Teacher Appreciation Sunday
Invite area teachers to RSVP to our Sunday morning service, where they will receive a gift card for Wal-Mart and special recognition for their efforts.
Summer 2010-Backyard parties
Other activities TBA