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Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Imagine my surprise when i stepped our into the mild Texas morning for some quiet time at 5am this morning and there sat this yellow Lamborghini!

It got me thinking- why? Why does someone buy this kind of car? why did the young man at the airport yesterday paint his toenails silver? Why do we do what we do?

Why am i texting out a blog entry in Dallas, TX at 5am? Why am I going out on faith in such a significant way?

Why are other people joining on? Why have people given thousands of dolllars and hundreds of hours of time?

Because Jesus has called us to a life where we deny ourselves and follow him. Because we believe that TPC is going to lead people to Jesus and change people's lives.

1 comment:

  1. All good questions. Glad that you have the answer to the last one. I'm sure that you are right!
    Be safe.
    Love you all,
