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Sunday, June 28, 2009


I believe most, if not all, of our launch team has finally experienced rejection on some level.

When you try to do something significant, people will always push back against you.

We have been slandered, accused falsely, and gossiped about.

Our motives have been questioned, our plans bashed and our reputations tarnished.

As we have moved forward with kindness and boldness, rejection will be a permanent part of life.

But we have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood.

If it does come to that someday, we will be ready to do so for the name of Jesus Christ because he was not afraid to do so for us.


  1. Our sweet Jesus was persicuted. Can we expect less?

  2. Patrick,

    It makes me sad to see you so actively criticize and attack the very bodies of faith that were part of your life change and growth to become the man you are today. Your tone throughout these posts is angry and communicates a profound frustration with the very people who loved you, supported you, and have prayed for you all along. Have you been so wronged that you must now reject and attack that which birthed you?

    If you and your team are facing criticism, rejection, and being challenged then I hope it causes you to all take a measure of yourselves and your methods and intentions. The inability to take constructive input is a sign of blind spots in your vision and plan.

    From what I've heard, people you have hurt in this process have defended you and protected your reputation even when the evidence I am aware of shows you were in the wrong.

    So if there is slander, gossip, or accusations, please make sure you haven't earned it.

  3. Dear Anonymous,

    Thank you for following my blog. May Christ's love overflow in your life today.

