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Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Church Baby Shower

We have a list of needs before we launch.

Everything from a sound board to baby supplies.

Would you look at this list and see if there is something God would lead you to provide? Perhaps you have some children's items you see on the list that you don't use anymore and are still in great shape.

Maybe you are connected to a church that has a closet with some extra sound stuff that they could donte to TPC.

Maybe you have been wanting to contribute to our mission and see some items on the list that you would like to purchase new for us.

That said, here is the list:

Sound Equipment
2 main speakers
2 monitor speakers
1 main subwoofer
6 vocal microphones
10 microphone cables of varying lengths
Sound board
125 foot snake
Sound compressor
Accompanying cables and connection cords
Some kind of digital recording device (CD, MP3, Hard Drive, etc)
4 microphone stands
2 boom microphone stands
4 passive direct boxes
3 wireless presenter microphones

Video Equipment
Computer projector
New laptop
Projection screen
A/V cables for projector

2 portable cribs (pack and play style)
2 portable high chairs
2 child gates
3 bouncy seats
2 Portable CD/Cassette Player
2 large baby quilts
4 receiving blankets
2 crib sheets
Consumables (Lysol, Baby Wipes, Disposable Gloves, C-Fold Paper Towels,
Kleenex, Diapers of Assorted Small & Large Sizes, Diaper Sacks, Waterless
Soap, Changing Pad Covers)
1 set of baby blocks
4 baby dolls and accessories
1 multi-piece play set (such as a play kitchen)
3 larger baby toys (such as a baby piano or other musical toys)
3 educational baby toys
2 Collapsible exersaucers
6 large mesh bags to store toys
2 folding rocking chairs
4 storage bins for toys
2 toddler toilet seats
2 sets of puppets
6-8 balls of various types
4-6 large play toys (toddler and preschool)
4 riding toys
Assorted other toys and children’s items

Guest Services
Push button coffee dispensers

Approximately 8’ x 24’ trailer with back door ramp

Large white dry erase board with legs and wheels

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