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Patrick Riecke
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Hey The Development Blog
Patrickriecke1 thedevelopment
Patrick Riecke
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Friday, June 5, 2020
Friday, July 24, 2015
Saturday, January 31, 2015
From: Patrick Riecke
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, July 28, 2014
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Moving on...

You see, I decided some time ago that as we got close to Launch Day (which is now less than one month away) that I would make a change with my approach to blogging.
So, Triple Pointe Church now has a wonderful website,
And I now have a more streamlined blog,
And will now go dormant.
For news about TPC, please go on the church site.
To follow my thoughts, please check out
Thank you for your readership! I think you will enjoy my even more direct thoughts at There are already several posts on there. Mostly they are short compressed blasts of thoughts about God and society.
Again, thank you for following this blog, and please take a moment now to bookmark
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Practice, Practice, Practice
It's very exciting as well as a little scary. But most of all it will be a real learning experience.
We will be holding this practice without a sound system or trailer to transport the equipment we do have, but we will give it our best shot.
We have invited a few dozen people to join us and give us their feedback on what they experience.
If you would like to be invited to the service, please drop me an email at
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Back to School
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Got me thinking.
As I blog now, I am listening to my Pandora station entitled 'Jon Foreman Radio'. Don't really know Jon Foreman well, but heard one song I liked...
You know, most songs today are about the crappy parts of life. Maybe that's how songs have always been.
Chances are, as you read this, you have at least some amount of pain in your life.
And it hurts. It makes you angry. It makes you despair sometimes.
It's life for all of us.
For this reason he was made just like his brothers that he might become a merciful high priest...
During those frequent times of pain, it's good to know that we don't serve a God who only lives in the abstract, but one who lived in the real day to day that we live in and is merciful to us because he understands.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A vision of the future
This past Sunday we went to Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids. It was a vision of our future.
Not in the ten years old and thousands of people come each week sense.
But in the extremely scaled down and simple sense.
Walk with me through our experience at Mars…
We pull into the parking lot and there are no signs. Just little lettering on the doors to tell you that this former mall is now a church.
We enter through the West doors and find ourselves in a long hall. The walls are gray and without decoration.
The hall breaks open into an intersection of two other main entrances, the guest reception area, and coffee and donut area.
The donuts at this nationally-renown mega-church? Just hundreds of donut holes, powdered sugar and cinnamon, in big cheap plastic bowls. I didn't try the coffee, but there were only two kinds- the house blend (something from another country) and decaf.
Upon inquiring about kids classes we are told that the elementary kids go with mom and dad to the adult service, "Because it's good for them." I'm not sure if she means the kids or the moms and dads.
The experience with the two classrooms we go to is similar: cheap yet effective security measures, a welcoming teacher, and bare bones rooms with some simple toys kids love. (Our three-year-old remarks later, "They had two magnifying glasses!")
The decorations consist of large scraps of ugly brightly colored fabric paper clipped together.
As we reach "The Shed", the affectionate name for their very plain worship center, we are overwhelmed with the vastness of the room. (Imagine Sears with nothing but a small stage in the middle and gray chairs everywhere).
Highlights of worship- the 'praise band' consisted of only 2 people, there was a simple testimony time, and the message was scripturally based and therefore incendiary to the hearers. And this plain church praises God that he has given them the chance to give a total of $41,000 to needy out of work families in Western Michigan in the last 8 weeks.
"You are putting on a show on Sunday morning and you have to give people what they want." This mantra, lived so often by well-meaning Christ-following ministers, simply is not true. Thank you, Mars Hill, for making this clear.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Hickory Center
I would like to officially announce our location for the fall.
The first home of Triple Pointe Church will be Hickory Center Elementary School! They have a wonderful facility with great leadership and a great reputation in our community.
The principal expressed when we toured it the first time over a month ago that we could use his building. Now we have submitted the appropriate paper work, different contacts have been made, and we are cleared for launch (sorry, bad pun)!
Seriously, we have sensed spiritually that this was perhaps the right location for months, and to see it come to fruition is nothing less than a miracle.
We will use their cafeteria, gym, and a couple of classrooms.
Join us in thanking God for his provision. Here are the positives we see with their facility:
- Plenty of space
- Plenty of parking
- Good reputation in the community
- Easy to find (right behind Carroll, one of the largest high schools in Northern Indiana)
- Very centralized rooms in the facility (gym, cafeteria and classroom doors all about 30 feet apart)
- Friendly to people who don't go to church (nothing intimidating about a very modern elementary school)
- We have a couple connections with employees at the school
- Great areas for kids (including the gym)
- Many other small details
Monday, July 27, 2009
Week in Review
Here are some numbers to give you a little perspective on TPC's week at the Allen County Fair…
We gave out about 2300 popsicles. We started the week with 1300 in our possession and had to purchase an additional 1,000.
The Launch Team worked approximately 150 man hours (actually, most of them were probably woman hours).
Just a guess at how many people walked by our booth. Probably about 8,000-10,000.
There are now 650 TPC pens circulating individually in our community.
Some of our most common questions:
- Where is Triple Pointe Church (by far our most common question)?
- Is this a non-denominational church?
- What do people wear to TPC?
Surprisingly, when people sense that we are a small church (more of a small team at the moment) they are more interested instead of less.
Rough guesses on the tattoos, water and prizes were in my last post.
Most importantly- we had the opportunity to serve people and show them kindness. And second most importantly we got the name of TPC out in a really positive way.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Day 4 and 5
2300 popsicles given out
600 TPC pens
Something like 1000 prizes for kids
About 700 temporary tatoos
About 400 cups of cold water
About 500 little cards that give the website for TPC and the launch date
About 250 flyers with more info about TPC
And countless good conversations.
I think I have invited more people to church this week than I had in the past five years! I probably personally invited people to TPC around 300 times or more.
Great job, Launch Team this week! We served people in Christ's name and got the name of TPC out in the community in a positive way. Which, by the way, were our two goals!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Days 2 and 3
Rainy and chilly, but still a good day.
Day 3-
Huge day, bigger than day 1. Lots of great conversations and connections. It was kids day, so we gave out more than ever. We actually ran out of frozen popsicles! Estimating we have given out around 900 popsicles at the end of Thursday, along with about 550 TPC pens, 100s of 'Coming September 13' cards, flyers, temporary tatoos and kids prizes, and cups of water. Thank you, Jesus, for an opportunity to serve our community, and invite people to TPC!!
Day 4 is today, and Ed opens it up with the help of some wonderful ladies. Please go before us, Jesus.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Day 1
Day 1 at the fair:
- People love popsicles
- Kids love temporary tatoos
- The fair staff is fabulous
gettin rollin @ the fair.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Our Church Baby Shower
Everything from a sound board to baby supplies.
Would you look at this list and see if there is something God would lead you to provide? Perhaps you have some children's items you see on the list that you don't use anymore and are still in great shape.
Maybe you are connected to a church that has a closet with some extra sound stuff that they could donte to TPC.
Maybe you have been wanting to contribute to our mission and see some items on the list that you would like to purchase new for us.
That said, here is the list:
Sound Equipment
2 main speakers
2 monitor speakers
1 main subwoofer
6 vocal microphones
10 microphone cables of varying lengths
Sound board
125 foot snake
Sound compressor
Accompanying cables and connection cords
Some kind of digital recording device (CD, MP3, Hard Drive, etc)
4 microphone stands
2 boom microphone stands
4 passive direct boxes
3 wireless presenter microphones
Video Equipment
Computer projector
New laptop
Projection screen
A/V cables for projector
2 portable cribs (pack and play style)
2 portable high chairs
2 child gates
3 bouncy seats
2 Portable CD/Cassette Player
2 large baby quilts
4 receiving blankets
2 crib sheets
Consumables (Lysol, Baby Wipes, Disposable Gloves, C-Fold Paper Towels,
Kleenex, Diapers of Assorted Small & Large Sizes, Diaper Sacks, Waterless
Soap, Changing Pad Covers)
1 set of baby blocks
4 baby dolls and accessories
1 multi-piece play set (such as a play kitchen)
3 larger baby toys (such as a baby piano or other musical toys)
3 educational baby toys
2 Collapsible exersaucers
6 large mesh bags to store toys
2 folding rocking chairs
4 storage bins for toys
2 toddler toilet seats
2 sets of puppets
6-8 balls of various types
4-6 large play toys (toddler and preschool)
4 riding toys
Assorted other toys and children’s items
Guest Services
Push button coffee dispensers
Approximately 8’ x 24’ trailer with back door ramp
Large white dry erase board with legs and wheels
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Popsicles aplenty
Thank you, Lord for a great afternoon.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
And now...
Then we will head to the Festival to hand out free popsicles!!! So fun.
Somewhere in there we will likely purchase our sound system- at about $7,000 less than an initial quote- go craigslist!
Sunday we also finalize plans for our booth at the Fair.
Monday we set up for the Fair.
Tuesday-Sunday we work the Fair, giving out freebies and getting the word out in a positive way about TPC!
Sweet action!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
His new better half is with him and it's so great to see them beginning life together.
They will both be at our Launch Team meeting this week, which is also a huge blessing.
Then Ed will be here when we host the Launch Team and others at our place for lunch this Sunday and then go to the Three Rivers Festival to hand out popsicles.
Then, Monday, we set up our booth for the Allen County Fair and work it the rest of the week!
Please be in prayer as we make some of these initial and significant moves.
Ironically, I was sitting right next to my precious baby niece who was adopted about a year ago. And right down the pew was my beautiful (almost) teenage niece who has been a huge joy in our family since she was adopted several years ago.
It made tears well up in my eyes.
After mass, while I was holding the little one at breakfast, I was whispering in her ear, "Uncle Patrick loves you, Uncle Patrick loves you."
Then she leaned back and said in her toddler way, "Wub you!" (and Uncle Patrick's heart melts)
Yeah, that's what it's like spiritually. We get to be held close by not just an uncle, but, also like my niece, by an adoring father. And our heavenly father can't help but whisper "God loves you, yes he does!"
Aren't you glad you have been adopted as sons and daughters by God?
Don't you hope more people will be?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Open Arms
The mission of TPC is to bring this message- the message of the love and
grace of Jesus Christ to a world that more often sees God as having his arms
crossed instead of open.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The main idea of the passage is incarnation- the coming of God in the form of Jesus... The Eternal Spirit taking on flesh and blood.
And he came to his own and his own did not receive him. But to those who did receive him, he gave the opportunity to to become the children of God.
Living things out is always more messy than just thinking about ideas in the board room, office, or imagination.
We are very much getting to the 'living it out' phase. And, as in everything, it is filled with ups and downs. Just like Jesus' life- just like your life.
However, I am thankful that we are in the reality phase rather than the theory phase. Above all else, it means we get to see God move more than ever.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
So many things...
- The River Christian Church is partnering with us to get some advertising pieces out about TPC
- We will be hosting a booth at the Allen County Fair
- We have established the God-sized goals of
- Performing 8,000 acts of service before September 13
- Fasting from 150 meals between the members of the launch team before September 13
- Adding about 35 people to the launch team before September 13
- Our Associate Minister, Ed McColley, was recently engaged to a wonderful lady!!!
- We have a leadership team in place
- Someone anonymously paid our rent for next month!
- The pastor (me!) is beginning to be paid for the first time (yay!)
- Several new people have recently decided to give to TPC's mission
- Our volunteer financial guys are working hard to get things set up right
- We are very close to having our facility lined up for the fall
Please join us in thanking God for what he is doing.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
When you try to do something significant, people will always push back against you.
We have been slandered, accused falsely, and gossiped about.
Our motives have been questioned, our plans bashed and our reputations tarnished.
As we have moved forward with kindness and boldness, rejection will be a permanent part of life.
But we have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood.
If it does come to that someday, we will be ready to do so for the name of Jesus Christ because he was not afraid to do so for us.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Facility Search
We have had a short list of considerations, including:
- Location
- User Friendliness to people outside the church
- Children's area
- Adult Worship area
- Connection with the leader of the facility
- Cost
We have been fortunate enough to discover several spots that meet at least most of these criteria. Ed and Samantha have been very helpful in this process. Thanks guys! I've just been along for the ride.
We don't have our facility nailed down, so I am not prepared to announce our location for the fall, but we are making great progress!
We appreciate your prayers.