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Monday, July 27, 2009

Week in Review

Here are some numbers to give you a little perspective on TPC's week at the Allen County Fair…

We gave out about 2300 popsicles. We started the week with 1300 in our possession and had to purchase an additional 1,000.
The Launch Team worked approximately 150 man hours (actually, most of them were probably woman hours).

Just a guess at how many people walked by our booth. Probably about 8,000-10,000.

There are now 650 TPC pens circulating individually in our community.

Some of our most common questions:

  1. Where is Triple Pointe Church (by far our most common question)?
  2. Is this a non-denominational church?
  3. What do people wear to TPC?

Surprisingly, when people sense that we are a small church (more of a small team at the moment) they are more interested instead of less.

Rough guesses on the tattoos, water and prizes were in my last post.

Most importantly- we had the opportunity to serve people and show them kindness. And second most importantly we got the name of TPC out in a really positive way.

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