Why Plant a Church?
The national need:
- Evangelical churches have failed to gain an additional two percent of the American population in the past fifty years. In other words, we are not even reaching our own children. (George Barna, American Profile)
- Church attendance nationally is under 30%. (George Gallup, Church in the World Today)
- We lose 72.11 churches per week or 10.27 per day and gain 24.03 per week or 3.42 per day. (ASCG)
The local need (Per Percept Demographics study based upon a 4 mile radius from the intersection of Coldwater Road and Perry Lake Drive):
- Population- 38,397; 91% white
- Growth anticipated in the next five years- 6%; however, four of the nearest six block groups within the 4 mile radius are expected to grow 10-19% in the next 5 years.
- Largest people group- Survivors (27-47) 11,000 in total population; 28.9%
- Family structure is extremely traditional; Education level is very high
- Potential for giving is very high; Average household income is $83,437
- 50% of the population is either under age 14 (children middle school and younger) or between the age of 25-44 (potential parental units in young families)
- Generation Z (age 0-6) represents 18% more of the population in this area than the U.S. average
- About 35% of the population likely has no faith involvement at all; 32.6% are strongly involved; 31.5% are somewhat involved
- The Bottom Line- Approximately 10,000 people in this area are individuals within a young family who are not involved with their faith or only somewhat involved with their faith.
The Answer:
A ministry purposefully focused in three ways:
- Geographically on the area indicated above
- Socially on young family units
- Spiritually on those who are not strongly involved with their faith
The Goals:
- Leading those family units come to love God in Jesus Christ
- Enabling the believers to grow together
- Serving the community in an effort to encourage those on the outside to love God in Jesus Christ
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