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Monday, March 30, 2009

I admit it

I admit it. Sometimes I hesitate to tell people what we are doing. I mean, you never know how someone is going to respond when you say, "I'm starting a new church." Many people aren't sure what to say. My mom's honest reply was something along the lines of "Are you allowed to do that?" Probably most honest people have a similar thought.

So, this is my confession. Sometimes I would rather just say I am a student. After all, that is true. Of course when I tell them I am doing my Masters, they might ask "What in?" And then I have to say, "The New Testament of the Bible". Then I am ousted as a religious nut, right?

I'm kinda stuck. I cannot fly under the radar.

I wish I could pretend, with the Christian Pastor bravado that so many have, that I am always excited to proclaim whose I am from the rooftops.

Sometimes, I wouldn't mind saying, "I work as a manager at the new Wal-Mart." Or something else.

Now that I have admitted it, I have to say that I am getting over it. After all, God has entrusted us with the message of reconciliation that the dying world needs to hear.

When I became a Christian I was on fire for God and was ready to win the world to Christ (I was also immature in my approach). Over years of starts and stops, my passion cooled some.

And, to be honest, being in ministry often means putting up with a lot of church crap that can quench the most Spirit-filled among us.

But the truth remains- the Church is God's tool to save the world. After all, we are the ones who have been entrusted with the Good News.

So, that brings me to this morning. We finally got our YMCA membership, something we have been looking forward to. I want to make the YTMCA a place where I purposefully connect with those who are outsiders to the church world through coaching teams and connecting with men.

This morning I got there after a great breakfast meeting at about 8:00. And I was praying. Praying that in a very individual setting (picture fifty adults and 98 ear buds), I would get to meet someone or talk with another man a little bit.

I worked through the weight machines and didn't get to talk with anyone. I was discouraged and thought that once I was on the eliptical that it was less likely to meet anyone. But I did! Troy and I had a great talk for several minutes. Then I noticed another man that I had met at a doctor's office and got to talk with him and get his name. I suspect I will see both of them again.

And in talking with one of them, it rolled off my tongue with no hesitation... "I am starting a new church."

I hope you are comfortable enough with your Jesus that you are growing in boldness.

Permit me a Bible study.

The believers in the book of Acts were being persecuted. Their leaders had been jailed. The pressure was mounting. Their flegling band they called the 'Church' was on the brink of being stillborn. And they prayed. Did they pray for safety or favor or God to shut down their enemies?


They prayed for bold speech, so they might proclaim God's message faithfully.

That's what I'm praying for, too.

Join me?

When we band together, are filled with the Holy Spirit, and proclaim his Word with boldness, we cannot be stopped, even by hell itself.

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