Kristen and I are headed to Dallas, TX!
We will be assessed by an organization called Growing Healthy Churches Network. The assessment includes personality profiling, personal interviews, time with a counselor, presentations, etc. All with the goal of giving us feedback on our strengths and weaknesses as church planters.
After they assess us (and we assess them) a decision will be made as to whether or not to partner with GHC. (For the benefits of partnering with GHC, see a previous post.
So, we will travel to PA, where we will leave our three boys with Kristen's sister and my best friend (who happen to be husband and wife!) after spending some time with them. We will fly from PA with our baby to Dallas, stay for 5 days, then return to PA, where we will pick up the boys and return home.
Please pray for this important step towards September 13!
Count on our prayers! God has control.