I would like to announce the addition of our second staff memeber at Triple Pointe Church. Ed McColley, Associate Minister joins the staff in the next few weeks!!!
Ed believes so much in the mission of TPC that he has agreed to raise his first two years salary!! So, we are getting high quality help virtually for free! Isn't God amazing?
I have wanted Ed to come join us for some time in this work, and God finally convinced him I was right (haha). Seriously, God has all but lit the interstate north for Ed.
Ed will be continuing his Masters while in our midst and will be part time. He may work a second job in the area to build more connections with the community.
His primary roles will be:
- Community Connection- Ed is an extreme extrovert. We will allow him to play to this strenght by buildling relationships in the community with both individuals and organizations for the sake of the mission of TPC. I cannot stress how significant this is for a new church.
- Serve Others Champion- As you know, our mission is to help those outside the church to LOVE GOD, GROW TOGETHER and SERVE OTHERS. Ed will champion the area of SERVE OTHERS. He will lead service evangelism and probe the membership of TPC with regard to their service to others.
- Administration- Ed is a detailed organizer (if you know him, you might be surprised about this). He's one of those guys with a hundred file folders on his computer screen and who records everything. This will be so crucial to a new church as we track new guest, people who accept Christ, those who need follow up, those who are joining a small group, and those who are serving.
The Kingdom strikes again!
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