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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Get off the fence

At our new home we often find ourselves telling our kids to "Get off the fence!" But what's the big deal?
It's not like their 44 or 60 pound frame is going to tear the fence down.
I think it's that we want to know that they are in our yard.
And that they want to be there and nowhere else.
In John 6, when the going got rough (Jesus started talking about his followers eating his flesh) most everyone left Him.
At last, he turns to the 12 disciples and says, "Will you leave me too?"
Peter answers, "Where would we go? You have the words of eternal life."
In our day I think Jesus wants to know who is in on this whole thing. Are you in church to help seek and save the lost, or are you just here for you?
Get off the fence.
Are you just playing games at church?
Are you politicking instead of loving?
Is it all about a little bigger building, a little bigger attendance and offering? About feeling good?
Get off the fence.
This thing is a rescue mission and people are lost and dying without Jesus Christ. If you are looking for a cruise ship to ride in quiet luxury, let me warn you where that will take you...
Get off the fence. Don't play Jesus for a fool.

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