Yesteday our launch team, minus one family who was out of town, held our first service.
We met at two different Burger Kings and gave out 5$ BK gift cards as a way to show people Christ's love.
We had plenty of positive and inquisitive responses. The bottom line is that although we don't get much for free and just out of love in today's culture, that is exactly what Christ give us.
Revelation 22:17, some of the last words of the Bible, say, "Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life."
Christ came not to be served, but to serve, and that is what he had called the church to as well.
On another note, Kristen and I, along with Ed, are heading to San Francisco in the morning. At
2:00 CA time we have a session with a leading writer on Church planting and some time to share with and encourage, be shared with and encouraged by other church planters around the nation.

We will return late Wednesday. The trip is provided by Growing Healthy Churches (GHC).
We can't wait.
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