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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Whirlwind Trip

Our trip to San Francisco with Growing Healthy Churches started with us leaving Fort Wayne International Airport Tuesday morning at 6:00 and returning the next evening at 9:00.
In between we saw the inside of four airports, prayed with other church planters, heard about church planting works all over the nation, was encouraged and trained by church planters in the trenches, took in a major league baseball game, drove highway 1 along the Pacific, saw the Golden Gate bridge and more.
One church planter shared that at his church 150 people have come to know Christ since January.
150 lives saved since January.
Another shared about a new church they helped start in Haiti.
Another about the transitional housing for the homeless they are opening.
God is on the move.
Are we moving with him?
You betcha. TPC is on the move- taking ground for the Kingdom everyday. Join us.
BTW- Ed- next time don't make that face when we take your picture.

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