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Friday, June 19, 2009

Church Taking

One of the major problems with church in America is that it is more about taking than giving.

It's as though we have forgotten the old saying "it's more blessed to give than to recieve."

We like to guilt people.

We like to take their money.

We like to take their time.

And for what?

So that we can list in the publications we put out that we had a lot of people and money show up.

What happened to the church serving the community and not themselves?

Didn't Jesus say he came to serve... not to be served?

1 comment:

  1. I have seen the Church in Kentucky this week rise up and be Jesus in the life of a family who are in the middle of immense tragedy! It is amazing, inspiring, and something that I know God wants for his whole family to be like. I pray that those outside of Christ will be drawn into the family because of our great love for Him and one another! Thanks FCC for leading the way!
