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Friday, June 19, 2009

Church measurement

Most churches measure two things...

Sunday morning attendance and

Sunday morning offering

What's wrong with that- it's wrong, that's what.

It's like saying that as long as your kid is getting taller and fatter he's healthy.

It's important that your children get bigger, but that is not the only test of health.

What you measure is what matters to you. And when we only measure Sunday morning attendance and offering, it betrays that our heart only cares about those things.

The Church had better wake up to the fact that everyone knows that this is all normal churches care about. And they hate it.

We've got to find a way to measure things that matter more. Things that are culturally and spiritually significant.

The battleground is the human heart. It's where God goes to work each day. It's not the Sunday morning service or the church bank account.

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