- The River Christian Church is partnering with us to get some advertising pieces out about TPC
- We will be hosting a booth at the Allen County Fair
- We have established the God-sized goals of
- Performing 8,000 acts of service before September 13
- Fasting from 150 meals between the members of the launch team before September 13
- Adding about 35 people to the launch team before September 13
- Our Associate Minister, Ed McColley, was recently engaged to a wonderful lady!!!
- We have a leadership team in place
- Someone anonymously paid our rent for next month!
- The pastor (me!) is beginning to be paid for the first time (yay!)
- Several new people have recently decided to give to TPC's mission
- Our volunteer financial guys are working hard to get things set up right
- We are very close to having our facility lined up for the fall
Please join us in thanking God for what he is doing.